Basic Programming of c with source code

Basic Programming of c 

List of Experiments 


1 Write a program to Print HELLO

2. Write a program to add two numbers

3.Write a program to calculate simple interest

4.Write a program to calculate average of three numbers 

5.Write a program to illustrate mixed data types

6.Write a program to calculate area and circumfrence of circle

7.Write a program to evaluate a polynomial expression

8.Write a program to add digits of a four digit number.

9.Write a program to swap two numbers

10 Write a program to check whether the person if eligible for voting or not


11.Write a program to find gratest of two numbers 

12.Write a program to find out which type of triangle it is 

13.Write a program to evaluate performance of the student

14.Write a program to make a basic calculator

15.Write a program to find out greatest of three numbers


16.Write a program to print fibonacci upto the given limit

17.Write a program to find the sum of digits of a number

19.Write a program to find factorial of a number

20.Write a program to print table of any number 


22.Write a program to find the sum and average of five numbers 

23.Write a program to sort the array elements

24.Write a program to enter the marks of 50 students an calculate the average

25.Write a program to add 2 matrix 

26.Write a program to calculate the length of string Write a program to concatenate 2 strings 

27.Write a program to reverse the string

28.Write a program to count the numbers of characters in a string

29.Write a program that converts lower case characters to upper case

30.Write a program to multiply 2 matrices 

31 Write a program without using predefined functions to check weather the string is palindrome or not


32 Write a program using function to find the largest of three numbers.

33.Write a program using function to swap two numbers using call by value

34.Write a program using function to swap two numbers using call by refrence 

35.Write a program using function to sum the digits of a number.

36.Write a program to calculate factorial of a number using recursive function

37.Write a program to print first n fibonacci using recursive function


38.Write a program to illustrate the concept of chain of pointers

39.Write a program to calculate the area and perimeter of circle using pointers 

40.Write a program to find largest of three numbers 40

41 Write a program to read an employee record using structure and print it

42 Write a program to prepare salary chart of employee using array of structures